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So What Exactly Is E-Design, Anyway?

With so much technology these days, it's not surprising that it's made its way into the interior design and home improvement world. E-design, or online interior design, is growing pretty rapidly in popularity - and if you haven't heard of it yet, don't worry - this post will tell you everything you need to know!

E-design Bedroom

So, what is e-design?

Basically, e-design is a way to work with an interior designer in a couple of different ways:

a.) You love the designer's style, but you live too far away to take advantage of his or her services. (Obviously, the designer has to actually offer e-design services in order for you to take advantage of them - not all designers offer this e-design!)


b.) Regardless of location, you'd like the ideas and input of a professional to get you started, but maybe don't need the full services of the designer. You'd prefer to be more hands-on with your own project and complete it at your own pace.

In other words, it's virtual interior design!

E-design gallery wall

What do I get with e-design services?

Well, it depends on the designer. Not all e-design services (or regular design services!) are created equal, because just like working in-person with a designer, it all depends on where you go and who you work with - everyone has his or her own "flavor".

We can only speak for ourselves and what we offer, but we promise it will still give you the gist of what e-design is!

So, here's what's great about e-design:

1.) You don't have to leave your house.

2.) You'll receive a complete design scheme for your space which usually includes:

-Scaled floor plans

-Furniture suggestions and placement

-Furniture layout

-Color schemes

-Color suggestions and paint chips

-Fabric suggestions and swatches

-Lighting and accessory suggestions

-Vision board

-Shopping list

Some designers even offer revisions if you don't love everything the first time around - depending on how the designer prices his or her services, these might be free or cost a small fee.

3.) All the hard work is done for you! You can sit back, relax, and then POOF! amazing design ideas are delivered to you within a few weeks.

Gallery Wall

And that's it - it's really that easy. Once your e-design is delivered, you can dive right in or wait a few months until you're ready to get to work - it's all up to you.

So how do you know if e-design is right for you?

1. You're looking for some guidance for your next project at home.

2. You want to work at your own pace on your project.

3. You'd like to work with a professional, but don't need full-scope "all-hands-on-deck" interior design. 4. You like to visualize the final outcome.

If any of these sound like you, consider looking into e-design services or give us a shout - we're happy to answer any and all questions!

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